Organization and Governance
The IGC Management Board
IGC is a nonprofit organiziation, managed by a voluntary management board. The members of the IGC Management Board, of whom there are at least five, are elected by the General Assembly. The IGC Management Board operates under the leadership of its Chairman.

IGC Management Board
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Steyr (Austria)

IGC Management Board
Deputy Chairman
Controller Institut
Vienna (Austria)

IGC Management Board Member
University of St. Gallen
St. Gallen (Switzerland)

IGC Management Board Member
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

IGC Management Board Member
Wörthsee (Germany)
Working Committees
IGC organizes its operating activities such as creating a standard, conducting international studies, or writing a publication, in temporary working committees, which are set up by the management board. The working committee members are appointed from among the members or their representatives.
Certification Committee
IGC encourages its members to achieve certification (IGC-Quality Seal) for their seminars and trainings. The quality seal is awarded according to a dual control principle. The certification committee is appointed by the management board and approves the auditor’s certification report.